About Us

About Us

David Wilkins CPA
David Wilkins, CPA

We all know that starting and running a small business or nonprofit can be most rewarding, but it is still a lot of hard work. The problem is that many small business owners have specialized, creative visions, which is what got them started, but are not skilled business managers, especially when it comes to financial accounting, planning and information technology. Most business owners and nonprofit directors don’t understand their financial statements. Financial statements weren’t designed with the average small business owner or nonprofit director in mind.

As a business owner I empathize with your challenges.  When I owned and ran a franchise, I found the financial statements virtually worthless when it came to providing the daily and weekly performance information I needed on a daily or weekly basis.  That’s when I realized business owners need a different solution. It’s taken a few years, but we’ve developed solutions that are designed for you, the business owner.

Information and how it is used is critical to business success. That’s why big business spends so much on consulting, big data, business analytics and business intelligence systems, putting the small and medium business owners and nonprofits who cannot afford high priced consultants or the data analytics systems at a real disadvantage.

So that’s why I founded Wolverine Business Solutions. Your data may not be big, but you need to have the right information and analytics to grow your business. I have developed “Your Virtual Business Adviser™” a system that gives you the benefits of a consultant, business intelligence and analytics at a fraction of the cost.

I chose wolverine for the name of the company because the wolverine is small, but noted for its strength, cunning, fearlessness, and voracity, taking on much larger animals. And that is what I want for my clients. If you want your business to perform like a wolverine, we can help.

Let’s talk!

About Us

David Wilkins CPA
David Wilkins, CPA

We all know that starting and running a small business or nonprofit can be most rewarding, but it is still a lot of hard work. The problem is that many small business owners have specialized, creative visions, which is what got them started, but are not skilled business managers, especially when it comes to financial accounting, planning and information technology. Most business owners and nonprofit directors don’t understand their financial statements. Financial statements weren’t designed with the average small business owner or nonprofit director in mind.

As a business owner I empathize with your challenges.  When I owned and ran a franchise, I found the financial statements virtually worthless when it came to providing the daily and weekly performance information I needed on a daily or weekly basis.  That’s when I realized business owners need a different solution. It’s taken a few years, but we’ve developed solutions that are designed for you, the business owner.

Information and how it is used is critical to business success. That’s why big business spends so much on consulting, big data, business analytics and business intelligence systems, putting the small and medium business owners and nonprofits who cannot afford high priced consultants or the data analytics systems at a real disadvantage.

So that’s why I founded Wolverine Business Solutions. Your data may not be big, but you need to have the right information and analytics to grow your business. I have developed “Your Virtual Business Adviser™” a system that gives you the benefits of a consultant, business intelligence and analytics at a fraction of the cost.

I chose wolverine for the name of the company because the wolverine is small, but noted for its strength, cunning, fearlessness, and voracity, taking on much larger animals. And that is what I want for my clients. If you want your business to perform like a wolverine, we can help.

Let’s talk!